design & illustration




HI! Want to know if we’re a good fit for creating your custom wedding invitations? Then start here!

Below are some common wedding suite formations, and their ballpark pricing based on the number of households to which you’ll be inviting. Of course you may choose to customize the suite to better suit your needs and budget. Whatever you decide to do, I will approach all suites the same way - highly personalized, and illustrated to the hilt!

Prices include all custom design, illustration, and lettering by me, as well as paper materials and flat printing.

Moderate Weddings include 60 to 150 guests
Large Weddings include 151 to 200 guests


Save the Date

Card | Outer Envelope
with Custom Liner & Printed Guest Addresses

Example Starting Prices for
moderate weddings // $4713
large weddings // $5274


Invitation Suite
+ Map & Events

Our most popular suite, tailored for destination weddings that have events across multiple days.

Invitation Card | Outer Envelope | RSVP Card | RSVP Envelope | Map & Event Trifold
with Custom Liner (outer only) and Printed Addresses

Example Starting Prices for
moderate weddings // $10,370
large weddings // $11,450


Invitation Suite, Core

Invitation Card | Outer Envelope | RSVP Card |
RSVP Envelope
with Custom Liner (outer only) and Printed Addresses

Example Starting Prices for
moderate weddings // $6530
large weddings // $7370


Invitation Suite
+ Event Card + Tiny Card

Tailored for weddings that may have a Welcome Party or a Post-Brunch event. The tiny card can contain your website.

Invitation Card | Outer Envelope | RSVP Card | RSVP Envelope | Event Card | Tiny Card
with Custom Liner (outer only) and Printed Addresses

Example Starting Prices for
moderate weddings // $9395
large weddings // $10,452


Day-Of Stationery

Welcome Cards | Menus | Programs | Escorts | Table Numbers | Cocktail Menus
and more

Example Starting Prices for
moderate weddings // $3300
large weddings // $5300


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